Are you ready to live your absolute best life? If you want to thrive and flourish, discover 11 simple steps to reach success and fulfillment in your life!

how to live my best life


In a world that sets so many expectations for us, it can be challenging to cut through the noise and focus on ourselves. At the end of the day, we all deserve to be living our fullest, happiest, and most authentic lives. 

We should be able to live our best lives and reach the success that we desire.

If you’re eager to thrive and live your best life, read my top 11 tips to get started!

What does Living My Best Life Mean?

This differs for everyone. What I define as my best life can be completely different than what you might consider as your best life. 

Not only that, it can change depending on the different seasons of your life. Imagine your life 10 years ago. What would you have defined as your “best life” back then? How might that be different today?

If I were to define it, I believe that living your best life means:

  • Living authentically
  • Living in joy
  • Feeling fulfilled

If you can show up as your truest self every day, live a life that is filled with joy, and be fulfilled – I think you’re well on your way. 

Let’s break down 11 simple steps to help you actually get there.

11 Simple Steps to Living Your Best Life

women smile

1. Define success on your terms

Society has taught us their definition of success. If it’s anything like what I’ve come to learn, it’s probably along the lines of: finding a life partner, buying a home, having a kid, climbing some type of career ladder. 

Now, these are all wonderful things – if that’s what you’re looking for, I applaud you! Though, this definition of success might not be the case for everyone else. 

It’s important that each of us take the time to step back, and consciously define what success actually means for us. 

Maybe success is freedom of time. Perhaps it’s measuring how many days of your life are filled with joy. Maybe it’s something else entirely – it can be absolutely anything!

So if you haven’t done it yet, take a moment to ask yourself:

  • “What does success mean to me?”
  • “What kind of life would make me most fulfilled?”
  • “At the end of my life, how would I know that I’ve reached success?”

As you explore these questions, make sure you note them down. Review it often and keep it visible. When life happens and you get pulled in different directions, remember what matters most. And stay committed to building that version of success in your life.

2. Have a clear vision for your life

Once you have clarity on what success means to you, this also helps you to build a clearer vision for your life. Having a clear picture of where you see yourself in the future helps you set relevant goals and make the decisions that work towards your big vision. 

This helps you evolve and keep becoming the best version of yourself. Having a vision also helps put in boundaries to keep you on track. It’s like having a roadmap for your life.

If you don’t have a vision for your life yet, you can simply start by asking yourself:

  • What do I want out of my life?
  • Where do I see myself in the future?
  • What are specific goals I want to reach?

You’ll also want to review this often. As time passes, and as you learn more about yourself, this may evolve. When that time comes – let it! Your life is meant to be beautiful and magical, and always evolving. 

3. Live in the present

woman smile

Despite having big goals and a vision for our future, it’s important to focus on today and now. 

We want to have a clear vision for our life to set the right intentions and guide us. However, we want to ensure that we focus on living in the present. 

We don’t want to be living in the past, nor do we want to be living in the future either. Staying present is key to our happiness and living our absolute best life. By knowing that we can only influence the here, and now, we can free ourselves from the stress or anxiety about our future.

Celebrate what you have today. 

If you struggle with this, it helps to meditate, reflect, journal, and live in the moment! Notice the little things and enjoy every moment you’re granted.

4. Live with gratitude

When was the last time you asked yourself, “what am I grateful for?”

I believe this question is one of the most powerful ones we can ask ourselves. It brings us back to the present moment and empowers us to think of the positive things in our life, while ultimately putting attention on them.

What we focus on grows. In the same way, having gratitude for what we have opens the door for more amazing things to enter our life.

Building a gratitude practice can be a game-changer that allows you to reframe any negative thoughts. It helps you to notice the positive things in your life – whether small or big.

Make it a practice – the more you practice gratitude, you’ll also notice the happier you become! 

Here are some easy ways to build a gratitude practice:

  • Notice 3 things you’re grateful for
  • Write down a list of things you’re grateful for 
  • Start a gratitude journal

This can be done at any point in the day, I personally find it best in the morning before you kickstart the day. It sets you in the right mood with a positive attitude. Of course, you can do it any time, and the more you do it, the better! 

5. Become self-aware: know yourself inside and out

The more you know and understand yourself, the more you can live your absolute best life. I mean, isn’t that what we’re here on the planet for? To explore and become the best possible version of ourselves?

What is your level of self-awareness and understanding currently? 

  • Who are you?
  • What are your desires?
  • What do you love?
  • What can’t you stand?
  • What do you want to learn?
  • What experiences do you want to have?
  • What does happiness mean to you?

Knowing yourself also helps you put together a personal development practice. As you keep learning and evolving, you’re collecting experiences and lessons while also becoming a better person. 

One of my favourite quotes is by the authour, RM Drake:

“Fall deeply into something indefinable. Believe me, it’s a beautiful thing. Let it grow inside you until it becomes you, then let it grow and grow some more. And when the indefinable becomes the familiar, then I urge you to keep going, to keep finding, there will always be more. That is your role, to keep experiencing yourself until you know so much it terrifies you.” 

And so, keep exploring. You’ll be amazed by what you find within.


6. Cultivate a powerful mindset

Our thoughts always define our actions. What is the current state of your thought patterns?

Is it made up of…

  • Negative thoughts?
  • Limiting beliefs?
  • Imposter syndrome?
  • Low self-esteem?

Or instead, are your thoughts made up of…

  • Confidence?
  • Positivity?
  • Empowering beliefs?
  • Affirmations?
  • Resilience?

Our mindset plays such an important role in how we live our life. Most of the time, it can define our success or failure. 

It’s important to cultivate a powerful mindset that allows us to show up as our best selves every day. 

Related: How to Powerfully Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

9 Easy Steps to Overcome Any Fear and Take Action

7. Love yourself inside and out 

You only have one body. Love it fully and wholeheartedly. Take care of it as if it’s your most precious resource (it is!).

There is so much negativity and social pressure we experience when it comes to our bodies. It’s up to us to learn to love each and every inch, embracing our strength, and being truly comfortable in how we look and feel. In every shape, size, and season.

Treat yourself kindly, use positive words, in the way you’d speak with a younger self. You’ve been through so much – love that body and love yourself as much as you can! Life is too short to worry about what others think.

8. Say yes to yourself


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What are your biggest, deepest desires?

When was the last time you allowed yourself to explore your desires without inhibitions? 

So often, we keep our desires kept within, and we rarely let ourselves follow our hearts. Why?

I say: Follow your passion. Do the things that empower you and light you up with joy! 

If you want to live your best life, start saying yes to yourself. 

Yes to new adventures.

Yes to the chocolate cake.

Yes to the scary but exciting things.

Yes to YOU.

That’s all that matters really. Allowing yourself to have the things you desire most.

Related: 15 Inspiring Ways to Feel More Empowered In Your Life

9. Invest in yourself

One of the best ways to say “YES” is to invest in yourself. Make yourself your most important investment. 

Spend money on the things and experiences that will only make you better, happier, and more fulfilled. Whatever that may be. It will certainly differ for all of us, and you may find that what you need in one season will change. 

The most important thing is to review often what you need most to level up. Each investment is meant to take you to the next level. 

From classes to retreats, to hiring coaches, or perhaps buying material things like books. It’s entirely up to you!

Be smart about what you invest in, and remember that we also need to put in the effort to make the most of any investment we make! You get to choose the ROI – every time.

Related: 20 Impactful Ways to Invest in Yourself 

10. Eliminate what brings you down

Life is too short to spend time on things that bring us down.

Whether that is:

  • Negative people
  • Friends you’ve outgrown
  • Habits that don’t make you better
  • Commitments you dislike
  • Routines that just don’t work for you
  • Or anything else you can’t stand…



Let it go. 

The more you do this, the lighter you’ll also feel. We don’t owe anything to anyone. Nor should we force ourselves to do things that we simply don’t like. 

As strong, empowered women, we get to choose our boundaries. If anything gets us down – that’s not worth our peace and happiness.

11. Inject joy into your life

woman smile

Possibly my favourite tip of them all – simply let it be fun.

Curate moments of joy into your life. Whether it’s buying yourself flowers, going on a solo day-trip, treating yourself to delicious meals, or traveling as often as you can.

What are the things that spark so much joy? The things you can spend hours on and not even notice the time pass? What childhood things do you just miss?

These are the things we need more of. These are the things that keep us feeling alive!

We may as well spend as much of our life living in joy – isn’t that what it’s for?


Living your best life ultimately comes down to you. Take any, or all of these tips to start intentionally crafting a life you absolutely adore. Design a life that you’d be proud of. Let yourself dream, play, and explore. 

I wish you nothing but absolute joy, success, and fulfillment. <3




How will you live your best life?

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how to live my best life
live your best life
live your best life