

Hey, it’s Tam!

I wholeheartedly believe that we were all put on this earth to live our most fulfilling, glorious lives. 

As a certified NLP, Hypnosis, EFT and Life & Success Coach, I’m inspired to help as many women as I can discover their worth, their courage, and their purpose.

Her Empowered Self is a love-letter, a warm hug, and a powerful reminder to you that you are absolutely capable and deserving of everything you desire.

Explore, stay awhile, and know that I’m sending my love your way! 

My motto

Memento Vivere

Translated from Latin meaning “remember to live”. This has been my guiding message for over 8 years. A reminder so important to me that I had it permanently tattooed on my arm!


You can find me…

⏣ Sippin’ on a deliciously foamy oat milk cappuccino with a journal in hand

⏣ Planning yet another adventure to a new country (to add to my list of 33 visited so far!)

⏣ Reading personal development books or consuming manifestation podcasts

⏣ Learning, growing, working on myself

⏣ Activating my creativity through painting, jewellery-making, and crafting

⏣ Connecting with like-minded people and sparking powerful discussions about life

I’m here to help you… 

Discover Self-Love

Find practices, journal prompts, activities and reminders of self-love and care.

Master your Mindset

Overcome your limiting beliefs, better understand your subconscious mind, and be in charge of your thoughts.

Live Empowered

Create your own rules, follow the path that feels authentic, and feel genuinely empowered in all areas of your life.

Stay Connected

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