Ready to feel more empowered in your daily life? If you’re ready to be more confident, improve your life, and feel more fulfilled, discover 15 inspiring ways to be your most empowered self!

15 ways to feel empowered



 Oftentimes, we let our negative thoughts and beliefs hold us back from living our truest, most fulfilling lives. Our self-esteem can get in the way, and we let our fears hold us back from living the life we desire. 

Does this sound like you? I’ve certainly been there time and time again. Over time, I’ve discovered simple steps to help me feel more empowered in my daily life.

To get on the same page, let’s define the word empowered.

  • Empowered
      • confident and in control of your life
      • having the official authority or freedom to do something

Turning it over to you: do you believe you’re living in an empowered state? Are you looking for ways to feel more empowered in your life?

If that sounds like you, read on to discover my top 15 tips!

Why Live An Empowered Life?

 If you’re living an empowered life, you’ll choose to follow your heart and be in control of your life. You will also…

1. Be at your personal best

Operate at your highest frequency and be your best self!

2. Grow into a better person

If you’re living an empowered life, you’ll be focused on your personal growth and continue to develop into the person you want to become.

3. Live happier and more fulfilled

You’ll be inspired to always follow your heart and live courageously. As a result, you will also be happier and more fulfilled!

15 Inspiring Ways to Feel More Empowered 

1. Overcome a personal fear

What is something you’ve been afraid of? Is there something holding you back in your life, career or business? Often, fear can consume us and keep us from moving ahead in our life.

Start by deciding what fear you want to tackle, and take the first step.

Working towards overcoming a personal fear will help you feel empowered almost instantly. You’ll realize that you’re strong, brave, and capable of crushing your fears.

Read more about how to overcome your fears in just 9 easy steps.


2. Complete something you’ve been avoiding

Is there a task you’ve been avoiding? Do you have something important you need to do, but you’ve been delaying? Little do you know, the more you keep these thoughts in the back of your mind, the more space it takes up. 

Rip the band-aid off, and get it done. Mark it in your calendar, and be accountable to yourself.

You’ll feel amazing afterward for accomplishing that task. It will clear your mental space as well, making room for more empowering actions in your life.

3. Do something for the first time

Try something completely new, and get out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s a hobby, a class, a new experience, push your boundaries by trying something new!

This helps expand your vision for what you are capable of, and you’ll feel motivated by the simple fact that you tried!

If you’re unsure where to begin, search for local or online classes and activities to get started. A simple YouTube or Pinterest search on topics that interest you can spark ideas for new activities to try.

4. Accomplish a challenge 

live an empowered life

There are plenty of different challenges available online. A simple search on Pinterest can get you started! If you want, you can also develop your own challenge to tackle something that you’ve always wanted to do.

Here are some examples:

    • Health challenge
    • Physical challenge
    • Personal growth challenge

By sticking to a challenge and dedicating yourself to it, you’ll experience growth and have something to be proud of! No doubt, you’ll feel empowered at the end of your challenge.

5. Visualize your goals 

It’s one thing to write your goals down, it’s another to visualize them often to be reminded of where you want to go. We want to ensure that our goals don’t just live on paper in our journals, but that we can see it daily, as often as possible. 

This helps us stay on track, stay motivated and inspired, and adapt our daily actions to stay in line with our goals.

It also helps our mind frame our thoughts, imprinting our goals into our subconscious mind. In doing so, our subconscious will help us reach our goals, even behind the scenes!

Here are examples to visualize goals:

  • Create a Vision Board
  • Write your goals on a sticky note above your desk
  • Create a screensaver for your phone highlighting your goals


6. Surround yourself with inspiring people 

Being around people who inspire you is a wonderful way to stay motivated. Having empowering conversations and learning from people who are where you want to go can help you level up your life. 

Some examples might be: 

  • Joining a community
  • Joining a club
  • Meeting with a mentor or coach
  • Watching Ted talks
  • Listening to inspirational podcasts
  • Joining a group coaching program
  • Attending networking events.

The more you surround yourself with people you aspire to become, the more you also train your subconscious mind and rewire your patterns to actually get there.

They also say you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with – why not let those people influence who you become. Choose wisely.

7. Level up your skills

level up and empower yourself

Acknowledge the skills you have now and review which ones you want to level up – whether it’s going to benefit you in your life or because you’re simply interested in it. 

Either way, being able to level up your skills boosts your confidence, helping you feel empowered in your daily life. New skills will always also help you improve your life.

At the end of the day, you’re developing yourself to become the person you desire. So take those salsa classes or baking lessons – you’ll be proud that you did!

8. Challenge your negative thoughts 

 If you find your negative thoughts are holding you back, it might be time to get in control of your thought patterns. Many of us have limiting beliefs that keep us stuck. 

It’s up to us to start challenging our beliefs and reframing negative thoughts that arise. 

For example, if a common thought you have is: “I’m not good enough”, take a moment to understand where that is coming from. How could you reframe that thought into one that serves you instead?

Read more about my tips for overcoming your limiting beliefs.

9. Express yourself & create art

Sometimes all we need is to get artsy and make something that sparks joy! Whether it’s painting, crafting, drawing, or making music – let yourself play. 

Express yourself through art and let everything flow. Get creative, let loose, and you’ll feel both proud and happy afterwards!

10. Do it Yourself

do it yourself and be empowered

Being able to do something yourself instead of buying it or paying someone else to do it for you is so incredibly empowering. 

Some examples might be: painting a wall of your home, building furniture, or perhaps cooking your favourite dessert, or sewing a dress yourself. 

Whatever it may be, take a swing at it yourself. Successfully completing your project will give you a burst of pride for taking things into your own hands! 

More than this, you can likely save money, add your own spin, and proudly flex whenever you tell others: “I made this myself!”

11. Break a threshold

We all have thresholds that arise in different areas of our life. Perhaps it has to do with food, where you can only cook 3 dishes masterfully. Or maybe it has to do with fitness, where you can only run 3K comfortably. 

Whichever area it may be, why not challenge yourself to break your existing thresholds and take it to the next level?

Aim to have 10 signature dishes.

Reach 10K runs instead.

Push your boundaries, and you’ll feel extremely proud and empowered. 


12. Stick to a new habit

Routines can be tricky since we can be tough on ourselves when we miss certain days and get inconsistent. To be kind to ourselves, why not start with just sticking to one new habit?

Keep it small, simple, and easy to commit. Set yourself a timeline for sticking to this new habit, and get meticulous at tracking it. At the end of your timeline, you can celebrate the fact that you stuck to a new habit! Go you!

That’s only the beginning! As you get comfortable, and habits stick, you can keep introducing new ones to level up.


13. Acknowledge your progress and growth

journal and track progress

I personally love writing in journals because not only is it therapeutic, it’s also a wonderful way to track your life story. Being able to acknowledge your progress and growth is such an empowering move. 

Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • What lessons have I learned in the past 5 years?
  • How have I grown recently?
  • What milestones have I hit?
  • How am I different from the person I was 5 years ago? A year ago?
  • What progress have I made towards my life goals?

As you answer these questions, you can celebrate just how much you’ve grown, learned, and developed into the person you are today. 

Actively reflecting on questions such as these helps you stay motivated, empowered, and encourage you to keep going on your journey!

14. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is one of the simplest, but impactful actions that can be a game-changer in our daily lives. Keeping a mindset of gratitude helps us focus on the present, while also calling in more of the things that we desire.

Having a gratitude practice can be as simple as acknowledging at least three things that you’re grateful for every morning. Doing this at the beginning of each day can help kickstart your day on a positive note. 

The more we remain grateful for the things we have – whether big or small, it keeps our vibes high and attracts more of it!


15. Treat yourself

A true act of self-love, treating yourself is so important. Being able to give yourself ‘“Me-time” and treating yourself with things you love – from your favourite drinks, to new beauty products, or even buying your favourite snacks. We all deserve to be treated, and more importantly, to be treated by ourselves!

Self-love is a never-ending journey, and the more you can treat yourself with kindness, grace, care, and love, the better you can show up in different areas of your life.

empowered woman


Ready to feel more empowered? Pick what feels most aligned with you and simply start. The more you listen to your intuition and take action on your desires, the quicker you transform your life. 

May you step into your most empowered self and become the person you’ve always wanted to become. Remember, they’re already within, it’s up to you to let your best self shine.


Which step will you begin with?

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feel more empowered now
feel more empowered in your life
15 ways to feel empowered