Here’s your holiday self care checklist, a compilation of empowering self care activities to guide you through a stress-free holiday season. Fill your cup with joy, love, and care!

The Ultimate 9-Step Holiday Self-Care Checklist


It’s that time of year. When the world is rushing. Everyone seems busy. Life is moving fast. While many of us get excited about the holidays, they can also bring us a lot of stress, overwhelm, and difficult feelings. 

More than any other season, it’s important to check in with yourself and take active steps of self-care.

Discover my personal holiday self care checklist that I use every time this season rolls around. Remember to take what feels good, listen to yourself, and know that any form of self-care is worthy and enough.

The Ultimate 9-Step Holiday Self Care Checklist

Why use a Holiday Self Care Checklist?

Of course, it’s important to invest in self care activities throughout the year. Yet, in a season when we’re especially busy, and most likely focused on others, it’s easy to forget yourself amidst all the celebrations.

Here are some common threads for why self care is especially important at this time of year:

  1. The holidays bring a lot of stress
  2. It can be a lonely, and difficult time of year
  3. Many of us are burnt out at the end of the year
  4. We deserve to treat ourselves for all we’ve accomplished
  5. It’s a time to reset for the year ahead
  6. To be our best self by the end of the year

By putting yourself first, you can navigate the season with mindfulness, balance, ease, and joy. Remember to fill your own cup first!

9 Activities for your Holiday Self Care Checklist

1. Take yourself out on a date

Woman having dinner alone on solo date

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to spend time doing things that YOU love. So why not take yourself out on a date? 

Here are some ideas for a solo date:

  • Hit up that cafe you’ve always wanted to sit in and bring your latest read.
  • Visit your favourite restaurant and order all the things you want. Bring home all the leftovers for later.
  • Visit an art gallery or museum. Walk around as you please.
  • Sign up for a workshop to cook, make candles, or pottery.
  • Take a day trip.

The point is – you’re in charge. You get to choose how the date goes. Do the things you’ve always wanted to do but never found the time to do.  

Make your inner child happy and show yourself some love!

Related: 20 Unique Tips For Self Love For Millennials

2. Write a letter to yourself

An activity I personally find very nurturing is to write a letter to yourself. It’s a great way to reflect inward and care for yourself. 

For the holiday season, check in with yourself by setting intentions, understanding what you need for this season, and leaving space for gratitude. Writing a letter to yourself is also an act of self-encouragement and compassion, especially if the holiday season is a challenging time for you.

More than anything, use this exercise to write down what you look forward to. Pump yourself up. Get yourself mentally ready for the holidays!

Related: 5 Letters to Write to Yourself for Self-Love

3. Practice acts of kindness

The holiday season is meant to be a time of celebration and joy. Spread the holiday cheer by practicing acts of kindness whenever you can. You never know who you might be impacting in a meaningful way by how you treat them.

Here are a few examples of acts of kindness:

  • Volunteer your time. Help at a soup kitchen or local shelter.
  • Buy a coffee for the person behind you in line.
  • Give to a charity you believe in.
  • Write holiday cards and send it to your local nursing home.
  • Assemble a care package (or a few!) and share it with someone in need.

Whatever you decide to do, do it with a spirit of kindness and love. It’s an opportunity to share small moments of connection with strangers. Happy giving!

4. Disconnect

By the end of the year, it’s likely that you’re feeling burnt out. We all are. 

After a year of working hard towards our goals, handling transitions and change, and evolving, we’re tired. 

It’s important to dedicate time to disconnect. Make space in your busy schedule to detox from your digital devices and recharge in other ways. Get out in nature, go on an adventure, or meet others in person. 

See how long you can go without technology – you might surprise yourself!


5. Connect in person

All we want is to be able to connect with others. An important part of our emotional well-being is to be with those whom we love and appreciate. 

While it’s easy to make excuses that the holidays are busy, you will likely never regret the moments you’re able to spend with loved ones. So make time!

Book a coffee date with an old friend you’ve been meaning to meet all year.

Reach out to someone you’ve been thinking of.

Rekindle an old relationship with someone you’ve been missing lately.

Organize a get-together and make the first move. 

Join a holiday mixer if you’re looking for new connections.

Remember that you’re not alone. The more you put yourself out there, the more you’ll receive.

women walking together

6. Know your boundaries

With overloaded schedules, and limited energy, setting boundaries will be key for your holiday self care checklist. 

To prevent overcommitment and burnout, consider what boundaries you’ll set when it comes to your time, energy, and personal space. Think back to past holiday seasons and what frustrated you or crossed your boundaries.

From there, get clear on your intentions, then follow through! Fill your calendar accordingly, and say no when you need to. Put yourself first and know what you won’t tolerate.

7. Get creative

There’s no better time to get your hands dirty and create something! Make your inner child happy and get lost in creation. 

What is something you’ve always loved to do or always wanted to try?

Whether it’s making music, knitting, sewing, baking, drawing, photography…get creative! Don’t overthink the end outcomes, let loose and allow yourself to play. 

8. Pamper yourself

This holiday self care checklist wouldn’t be complete without pampering yourself. Refresh your body, mind, and soul by treating yourself. 

Choose some of your favourite indulgences and make time for them. Whether it’s at-home treatments and activities or booking a spa day, choose what makes the most sense for you. 

From face masks, pedicures, baths, hair treatments, and facials, to buying new makeup, the choices are endless. You deserve to treat yourself too.

Woman in a self care spa day

9. Reflect on your year

The holidays are a time when the world slows down, especially as we ramp up for a new year ahead. This is the best time to reflect on your year.

There are a few powerful reasons why this is a must on your self care checklist. 

You can appreciate and celebrate how far you’ve come. Acknowledge your achievements, milestones, and the goals you’ve made progress on. Remember the moments and people that truly made an impact on your life. 

It’s an opportunity to also reflect on the challenges you worked through, and the changes you’ve made in your life, while also coming to terms with the hardships you experienced. 

Overall, this is a process of self-discovery that can help you prepare mentally, spiritually, and emotionally for the year ahead.

Related: ​​How to Reach Your Goals with a Personal Mid-Year Review

Related: 50 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery and Personal Growth

winter reflection journaling


Ultimately, in this time of stress and chaos, never forget to treat yourself with grace and compassion. Self-care is not an indulgence, but rather it’s a necessity. 

The better you take care of yourself, the more you’ll be able to show up for others too. 

Let yourself savour the different self care activities on this checklist, or start here and discover ones that lead you to joy.

Check-in with yourself as often as you can, and enjoy this beautiful season of love!




Which holiday self care activity will you try first?

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The Ultimate 9-Step Holiday Self Care Checklist
The Ultimate 9-Step Holiday Self Care Checklist
The Ultimate 9-Step Holiday Self-Care Checklist