If you want to visualize your goals and turn them into your reality quicker, discover 10 unique goal vision board ideas that you can try! Manifest your goals and dreams now!

10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now



Have you ever created a vision board? 

A vision board, also known as a dream board, is nothing more than a representation of your goals. Traditionally, a vision board is composed of different images and quotes that represent what you want to accomplish in your life. 

However, there are different ways to visualize and manifest your goals beyond the traditional vision board. 

The most important part of creating a goal vision board is its ability to help you visualize your goals consistently. Thus, your vision board can actually be created in any format that speaks to you the most.

Do you respond well to audio? Maybe record your goals and play it back to yourself.

Do you have a strong sense of touch? Perhaps consider vision cards you can hold in your hand.

Are you extremely visual? Maybe a classic vision board is a great idea.  

These are simply a few examples, there are so many possibilities! Read on to discover my top 11 suggestions for non-traditional goal vision board ideas.

10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

What Makes a Good Vision Board

There are a few key things that make a vision board effective in manifesting your goals. Here are some commonalities to consider when deciding what type of vision board to create.

A Good Vision Board:


  • Represents clear goals

    You want to ensure that you’re clear on what you want. The more specific and tangible your goals are, the better your ability to manifest them into reality. If you have clarity on your goals, the easier it is to visualize those goals often and repeatedly.

    • Is highly visible

      It’s important to keep your vision board in a place that you will see often. If it’s tucked away, it defeats the purpose. The key to visualizing your goals is being reminded to do it as often as possible. Make it easy for yourself by keeping the vision board in an accessible place that also inspires you to work on your dreams.

      • Inspires you

        When creating your vision board, you want to choose the right words, images, and items that actually inspire and motivate you. When done properly, you should feel inspired and empowered to make your goals happen.

        • Evokes positive emotion

          Ultimately, your vision board should create powerful imagery about your dream life and evoke positive emotions. It should make you feel high-vibe and amazing! In the process of creating your vision board, focus on how it makes you feel. The more high-vibe and empowering it makes you feel, the better!

        11 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas 

        1. Index Cards

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

        Recently, I found a YouTube video by Lefie, who teaches how to create Vision Board Index Cards.

        Essentially, this is a way to create a vision board where you write out your goals on a series of index cards.

        This type of vision board is great for those who want:

        • Flexibility: by having goals written down on cards, you can always change up the cards or add new ones whenever your goals change
        • Accessibility: This type of vision board is portable and easily accessible. You can carry them with you anywhere – when commuting, traveling, or sitting at a coffee shop.

        Also, the physical act of writing down your goals on paper, and also reading your own handwriting, makes it highly personal and inspiring. I have my own set of Vision Cards that empowers me every time I read through them. Plus, I carry them around everywhere I go, just in case I need a little extra boost.

        Check out the video here.

        Related: 20 Unique Tips For Self-Love

        2. Wall of Printed Photos

        Who inspires you?

        What gets you excited about life?

        Where are the places you want to go?

        What kind of person do you desire to be?

        Start by imagining all of these things. Then search for relevant images online that you can download and print for free!

        The key is to look for copyright-free and royalty-free images online. My favourite websites to find these types of images are Pexels and Unsplash. Just always be sure to read the fine print whenever looking to download images.  

        From there, once you’ve downloaded all the beautiful images that inspire you, frame and hang them up on a wall of your house. Let it inspire you to make all your goals and dreams happen.

        3. Inspiring Art or Decor

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

        Not into photos? Why not look for art that represents your goals instead?

        Search for art that motivates and inspires you, and put it all through your house. This can be art that reminds you of your ideal life.

        Some examples include:

        • A globe that represents your travel goals
        • Paintings of people who inspire you
        • Quote art

        If you’re not sure where to start, visit Etsy or take a look on Pinterest to see how others have done it! Or, just visit your local thrift store or home furnishing stores to get inspired. You’ll know exactly what items make you feel good when you see them.

        4. Charm Bracelet

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

        One unique way of creating a vision board that you can carry with you everywhere is a charm bracelet!

        Choose different charms that remind you of your ideal life and goals. Some examples might be: a heart to represent love, a home to represent your dream home, or an airplane to represent travel.

        These are just a few examples! There are plenty of charm bracelets available, and along with it, endless charms. Make it fun, make it you.

        Then carry those goals and dreams with you. Let yourself get excited and empowered every time you see your charm bracelet on your hand. 

        5. Wallpapers

        Designing your own wallpaper is another very popular vision board idea. You can create a custom wallpaper for your phone, desktop, or even to display on your TV.

        To do this, simply visit Canva where they already have plenty of wallpaper templates ready to edit! 

        If you want to keep it simple, use any editing tool on your computer or phone and just add all of your inspiring images and quotes yourself. Remember, the point isn’t that the vision board wallpaper is fancy – it’s that the images inspire and motivate you towards your dreams.

        There are endless free tools that can help you make your wallpaper – just do a quick search online!

        Now, here is an example of my own vision board wallpaper that I made on Canva! I use this on my desktop and love it so much!

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

        6. Drawing or Painting

        Another way to keep this simple is by simply grabbing a piece of paper or poster board and a pencil or paint, then creating a vision board using your own creativity.

        Let it be fun, let it be creative. Enjoy the process of drawing or painting your goals and dreams. See yourself in what you create.

        Last but not least, remember to put it up in your home. Let it inspire you and be sure to appreciate what you created with your own hands!


        7. Sticky Notes

        A low-cost and simple way of making a unique goal vision board is by grabbing a pack of sticky notes and a marker. You can choose different colours that you love if you wish.

        Then simply write down 1 big goal that you have on each sticky note. Add little drawings if you wish.

        Then all you need to do is find a spot for all your sticky note goals! Perhaps put it on the wall above your desk, or in your closet where you’ll see it every day. 

        As you start achieving your goals and dreams, you can move them to a ‘Complete’ pile or cross them off to show how far you’ve come!

        8. Letter to Yourself

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

        A beautiful way to visualize and manifest your goals is to write a letter to yourself.

        Write a letter to yourself from the future, when you’ve hit all your goals. This follows a process called future pacing, a technique used in coaching where you imagine yourself in the future in a given desired situation. 

        This activity is a form of mental imagery, where you exercise your imagination and jump into the future. Let yourself experience what future you would experience once you’ve accomplished everything you desire.

        This is a powerful exercise that can also help you gain clarity while giving you extra motivation.

        Keep that letter in a special place that’s easy to access and read it back to yourself often. This helps you step closer and closer to your vision. Turn that letter into reality!

        Related: 5 Letters to Write to Yourself for Self-Love

        9. Voice Note Reminder

        Alternatively, you can record a voice note reminder that you can playback to yourself. Follow the process of writing a letter to yourself above, then simply record it on your phone. 

        This makes your message to yourself portable and easily accessible. Keep it on your phone and play it as often as needed.

        There is power in hearing your own voice declaring your dreams and successes.

        10. Map

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now

        Are you an avid traveler? Or want to be?

        Buy a world map, then pin all the places you want to go. It’s your very own map vision board!

        Put it up on your wall and manifest it into reality. Let all your travel dreams come true.

        11. Treasure Box

        Collect different trinkets or different small items that remind you of your dreams.

        Some examples might be pictures from places you want to go, keychains, keys to represent a home, cheques to represent abundance. And so on!

        The best part is that you get to be creative and you get to make it your own. Find a treasure box that you adore, and make sure you make it a part of your routine to open it often to remind yourself what’s inside.

        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now


        I hope you enjoyed the list of unique goal vision board ideas above.

        If you’re hoping to keep it simple, remember that you can still create a traditional vision board if you wish. Use poster board, glue, magazine cutouts, and quotes! Pin it up on your wall.

        At the end of the day, your vision board is whatever you decide it to be.

        Once you’ve decided on a type that suits you best, here are my last few tips:

          • Use your vision board to help you visualize and step into your dreams 
          • Add or remove pieces on your vision board as your goals evolve and change
          • Use multiple formats and surround yourself with your goals as often as possible
          • Have fun in the process!

        There you have it! Wishing you a lot of love and success always. 



        Which vision board do you want to try?

        Leave a comment below!


        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now
        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now
        10 Unique Goal Vision Board Ideas To Try Now