Ever felt like you were in a rut? Stuck and unable to move forward? If you’re looking to reset anything in your life, read this post! We’ll uncover 10 of my top tips to get unstuck!

10 tips to successfully reset when you're stuck



Personally, I find that there are two stages of feeling “stuck”. The first is when you’re working on a task, trying to accomplish something, but then you lose momentum. 

The other is a more lasting feeling, when one day you wake up and notice… “something is off, and I’m not moving forward towards where I want to go.” Perhaps, you’re in a rut.

After experiencing both stages of “stuckness” time and time again in my life, here are my top tips for overcoming both.

When you’re feeling stuck…

1. Take a shower

It almost sounds silly, but taking a shower can be a game-changer when you’re stuck and no longer productive. The shower is one of the last few places where you are truly disconnected. You can relax, tune into yourself, and let thoughts come and go. 

I always receive creative downloads when I hop into the shower. Ideas flow freely when I’m not forcing or putting pressure on myself to find an answer. Give it a try – it’s a great way to reset your day and get back on track.

2. Go for a walk in nature

Breathe. Let the fresh air fill your lungs. Take in the beauty of nature, and again, simply connect. Let your mind wander. Notice the environment and be present, in the moment.

You’ll find yourself feeling calmer, and with a clearer mind afterwards.

3. Talk to someone

Whether you want to talk about what’s keeping you stuck, or discuss another topic entirely, talking to someone can help get the wheels turning. Getting another perspective can also help you reassess where you’re at, and make a plan to move forward.

Reach out to someone you trust, someone who might be in the same boat, or anyone who can simply lift your spirits. You can also meet with a counsellor who can guide you. Remember, you’re not in it alone, and you can build a support network to help you get through.

4. Write it out

If it feels overwhelming, one of the first things you can do is to brain dump it on paper or a whiteboard. Write down all the thoughts in your mind in a way that you can then process them. 

Cross things out, group things together, perhaps make a list. By writing it out, you can visualize on paper what’s going on in your mind, and take the steps to make sense of it. 

This is one of my personal favourite methods, and can immediately reduce overwhelm. Being able to visualize what’s been building in your mind can reveal that perhaps you can handle everything after all.

5.  Get creative

Get your hands dirty and create something. Paint, draw, doodle, play music…pick something that interests you and can get your mind off your current task. Get engulfed in the activity and de-stress for a moment. This will help clear your mind and get back to it.

6. Switch up your routine

Routines are created for a reason – to remain consistent with our habits and to achieve our goals. Though, you can eventually outgrow your routine or parts of it. 

This can be a result of boredom, or you no longer find it effective. Perhaps your goals or your lifestyle has changed, and you’ll need to make changes.

You can try to make small changes in your routine to test what might work better for you instead. Some ideas include changing your environment, trying different productivity hacks, adding new habits, or even removing parts of your existing routine. 

There are endless things you can do, but it’s okay to start small. You can build your way up to a new routine that better serves your needs. 

7. Give yourself time and grace

Sometimes that’s all it takes. To be kind to yourself. Do your best to remove the pressure or stress, and acknowledge that you’re in this season for a specific reason. Notice that you’re here to learn from it.

Allow yourself to be stuck, and know that at the exact right time, you’ll get through it. You’ll also be a lot stronger and wiser on the other side!

When you’re feeling stuck in a rut…

8. Go on a vacation

Whether it’s a staycation nearby, or a mini day-trip to somewhere new, let yourself escape for a little while. Going somewhere new can evoke feelings of adventure and spark creativity. 

Alternatively, choosing to go to a place you love and are familiar with will remind you of who you are and bring positive vibes. 

Wherever you decide to go, take the time to relax, reset, and enjoy. Hopefully, new ideas will spark during the trip or after you return feeling refreshed!

9. Revisit your plan

Take a pulse check. Zoom out, and revisit your goals and bigger plans for your life. 

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are I on track? 
  • Is this still what I want to do? 
  • Have things changed? 
  • Have I changed? 

Allow yourself to step back and replan if you need to. It’s okay to change direction as many times as needed to ensure you’re feeling happy and fulfilled in your life.

10. Make all necessary changes

After doing any of the above, take action on the ideas and thoughts that arise. Perhaps your intuition brought forth new ideas for your life or current projects.

Listen, allow, and most importantly, trust that you know your next steps forward. Make the changes in your life that feel good.  


Remember, you’re on this earth to live it to the fullest. Being stuck is nothing more than an opportunity to get back on the path you are meant to be on. 


Good luck!  


Which of these reset methods work best for you?

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10 tips to successfully reset when you're stuck
10 tips to successfully reset when you're stuck