In the journey of life, we live through ups and downs. Discover 20 inspiring and uplifting affirmations for when you feel lost and unsure of your true purpose in life

20 Affirmations For When You Feel Lose



There can be many reasons that we end up feeling lost and confused about our purpose.

Perhaps you’re in the midst of a lot of change. Maybe there are life transitions that you’re navigating. Or maybe you had the realization that you want something different out of your life. Perhaps you feel unclear about who you are and what you actually want.

If this sounds like you, know that you’re not alone. I’ve been there time and time again.

In times like these, we want to stay resilient, strong, and brave.

These affirmations have helped me during times I felt lost. I hope they can also guide you towards clarity on your path and purpose.

Know that there is so much more for you out there, and everything you desire is always on its way.

How To Use Affirmations

20 Inspiring Affirmations For When You Feel Lost

1. Choose several affirmations that resonate with you

Below, you’ll find a list of affirmations. You’ll notice which ones make you feel good. Note those down.

2. Write them down somewhere visible

  • Write them on your mirror, whiteboard, or window
  • Post them up as sticky notes as a daily reminder
  • Write them down in your journal every morning

3. State the affirmations daily or as needed


Affirmations are essentially positive reminders we choose to tell ourselves. The more you repeat your chosen affirmations, the more that you speak them into reality.

This is why you want to ensure your affirmations are visible. By simply seeing the affirmations often, you’ll be reminded to state them out loud and repeat them.

Let them inspire you, uplift you, and stay strong and resilient. 

4. Switch up your affirmations

Remember that affirmations can also serve their purpose. Keep different affirmations on rotation and try new ones out to see how they feel. 

Different seasons may call for different affirmations. Visit this post if you need new affirmations.

Read on to discover the affirmations I’ve used to help me get unstuck and find more clarity in my life purpose.

Related: 30 Uplifting and Empowering Affirmations To Create Your Dream Life

20 Inspiring Affirmations For When You Feel Lost

20 Inspiring Affirmations
  1. I am exactly where I am meant to be
  2. This journey teaches me what I need to know
  3. Each action I take brings me closer to where I need to go
  4. My purpose is always revealing itself to me
  5. I am always being divinely guided
  6. I am right on time
  7. I am meant to live my best life
  8. Each decision gives me clarity
  9. I am in control of my desiny
  10. I am always doing the best I can
  11. I make peace with where I am today
  12. Greater things are always coming
  13. My next season only gets better
  14. I am worthy of all my desires
  15. I get to create my dream life
  16. I can change my mind anytime I need to
  17. My path is my own
  18. I am building my dream life
  19. I bravely take action towards my dreams
  20. I am worthy, deserving, and more than enough
  21. I am always figuring it out


20 Inspiring Affirmations

If you’re feeling lost right now, remember that this feeling won’t be permanent. 

While the future may seem uncertain, or the lack of clarity is getting you down, remember that you are always figuring it out. You are doing the best you can. 

Most importantly, whatever that is meant for you won’t miss you.

Wishing you the best on your journey!



Which affirmations inspire you most?

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20 Affirmations For When You Feel Lose
20 Affirmations For When You Feel Lose
20 Affirmations For When You Feel Lose