Are you in a season of change? If you want to start a new chapter in life with courage and confidence, use these 45 affirmations for new beginnings!

empowering affirmations


Starting a fresh new chapter can be a whirlwind experience. Perhaps you made a big bold choice to make a change in your life. Or perhaps, change was thrust upon you unexpectedly.

In either case, big changes bring with it a flurry of emotions – stress, excitement, fear, anxiety, sadness, and so much more. 

To navigate this season of life, affirmations can be a powerful way to master your thoughts. Using affirmations on a daily basis can boost your confidence, help rewire negative beliefs, and guide you forward into your next chapter. 

I’ve put together 45 empowering affirmations for new beginnings that you can start incorporating into your life. Choose the affirmations that resonate the most with you, and repeat them as often as you can, as often as you need. Repetition will be key to making these beliefs come true.

Let’s get started!

Related: 30 Uplifting and Empowering Affirmations To Create Your Dream Life

Related: 14 Tips To Navigate Life Transitions With Grace

The Benefits of Affirmations for New Beginnings

In a season of change, our thoughts can get the better of us. As a result, it’s easy to think negatively when we are unclear about our next steps. 

Using affirmations can be beneficial in so many ways:

    • Positive mindset: Repeating positive statements will reinforce positive thoughts and turn them into beliefs.
    • Reduce anxiety: By affirming your belief in yourself regularly, you make less space for anxiety and stress in your life.
    • Increase resilience: Reminding yourself just how powerful you are will keep you resilient through change.
    • Mindfulness: Affirmations help keep you mindful and present.
    • Clarity: The more you repeat affirmations, the more clarity you gain about what you desire in your next chapter.

Plus so many more! Overall, by starting a practice of using affirmations, you’ll experience benefits that influence your personal life in so many ways.

When to Use Affirmations

woman reflecting

You can use these affirmations for new beginnings anytime, anywhere, and as often as you desire. If you need extra guidance, here are a few examples:

    • Morning routine: Incorporate them into your existing morning routine to keep it simple and easy.
    • Before important tasks/moments: Perhaps you’re in a season of job interviews, or maybe you’re filling in important documents, or maybe waiting on news. Use affirmations to give you a little boost.
    • When you’re stressed: It’s easy to feel stressed during times of transition. Pull out a few affirmations to help you get in control of your thoughts.
    • Journaling: If you’re journaling or writing in a planner, why not write down several affirmations too? Writing affirmations down is a powerful way to reinforce them.
    • During the day: Write your affirmations on sticky notes and put them around your house, or perhaps create a wallpaper for your phone. This helps you repeat affirmations all throughout your day.
    • Before bed: Repeat affirmations before bed to imprint the positive thoughts into your mind as you sleep.

These are great ways to get started. Ultimately, the more that you can use affirmations throughout your day, the more impactful they will be, especially during this season of change.

45 Affirmations for New Beginnings

Affirmations for Self-Belief 

  1. I have faith that I’m on the right path. 
  2. I believe that I can overcome any challenge I face.
  3. The universe is guiding me to find my next steps.
  4. There is nothing I cannot accomplish.
  5. I am divinely guided.
  6. I trust that my next chapter will be greater than the last.
  7. The future holds endless possibilities for me.
  8. I am enough.
  9. I let my intuition guide me.

Affirmations for Embracing Change  

  1. Change only leads to my own growth.
  2. I bravely take steps to a brighter future.
  3. My strength keeps me resilient through change.
  4. I embrace every change that comes my way.
  5. Life surprises me with the right messages, people, and opportunities.
  6. Rejection is redirection.
  7. I can adapt and evolve with every setback.

Related: 20 Inspiring Affirmations For When You Feel Lost In Your Purpose


woman smiling with book

Affirmations for Personal Empowerment 

  1. I take inspired action towards my future.
  2. Everything that’s meant for me won’t miss me.
  3. I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.
  4. I release attachment to the past version of me.
  5. I have everything within me to succeed.
  6. I call in new opportunities that are meant for me.
  7. I get to become anyone I want to be. 
  8. I choose not to settle in any area of my life.

Affirmations for Positive Transformation

  1. Every choice I make is exactly the right choice for me.
  2. Any setback I face only makes me better.
  3. I make choices that align with my highest good.
  4. Progress over perfection.
  5. I do the best I can and that is enough.
  6. I trust that my path is guided by my purpose.
  7. There are no limits to my success.
  8. This season of life is for me to discover my purpose.
  9. I am empowered to transform my life for the better.


notebook with writing

Affirmations for New Beginnings

  1. I am open to new possibilities for myself.
  2. I get to shape my future in any way I desire.
  3. I am always right on time.
  4. My dreams come to reality with every step I take.
  5. Every day is a fresh new beginning.
  6. New beginnings bring me courage, hope, and joy.
  7. I leave behind everything that no longer serves me.
  8. My life only gets better and better.
  9. I am worthy of a beautiful new chapter.
  10. I am deserving of all the beautiful things life has to offer.
  11. There is no setback I cannot overcome.
  12. I trust in the timing of my life.


While it’s easy to lean towards fear-based emotions during times of change, it’s important to also remember that this is also a season of possibilities.

Anything is possible for you. The world has opened up, letting you take charge of what’s next in your life. Take control of your destiny, listen to your intuition, and move towards your desires. 

It doesn’t have to be a stressful time, but rather, an opportunity for you to flourish and discover your purpose. 

You are deserving of all the wonderful things that life has to offer.

Let these affirmations for new beginnings guide you forward. 

I wish you all the love in the world!




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empowering affirmations for new beginnings
empowering affirmations
empowering affirmations