Have you ever felt that certain negative thoughts or beliefs keep coming up when you want to pursue something new? Or have you felt as if you were not in control of your thoughts? If you’re constantly playing it safe, but wishing to be in control of your thoughts and limiting beliefs, this post is for you. Read on to learn my tips for overcoming your limiting beliefs!



Take a moment and think – what is the one dream that has occupied your heart lately? When you imagine this dream, what thoughts arise?

Is it thoughts of excitement? Or perhaps, are there also doubts and negative thoughts that arise? This can be none other than limiting beliefs that have become ingrained within you. 

We’re going to deep dive into what limiting beliefs are, why we might have them, and most importantly, how to powerfully overcome them for you to achieve those big dreams within you.

“The power of our beliefs can work in either direction to become life-affirming, or life-denying.”  ~Gregg Braden, Author, Educator, Scientist


Discovering Your Limiting Beliefs

When you think about your biggest dreams, did any of the following beliefs arise?

  • Who are you to do that?
  • Why you?
  • You’re not ready for that.
  • That’s not for you.
  • You aren’t worthy.

Or any other belief that makes you feel small. These are your limiting beliefs. 

If you’re unsure of what yours might be, you can do the following exercise:

  • Think of a situation you would like to change in your life for the better
  • Reflect on the personal reasons that might be holding you back
  • Keep digging and asking yourself why those reasons are holding you back

More than likely, it is those reasons that can be your limiting beliefs. 

Where Limiting Beliefs Come From


To understand where limiting beliefs come from, let’s first start with the definition of beliefs.

Beliefs: An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists (Oxford Dictionary)

Additionally, beliefs are also known to be conditioned perceptions built up over time, where we have simply internalized old thoughts and memories.

What are limiting beliefs then?

A limiting belief is a thought you have about yourself that you believe to be true but is holding you back. 

These beliefs tend to be on the subconscious level, and we may not even be aware we have them. This is why it’s important to understand what limiting beliefs we might have – to start overcoming them and move closer to the life we want.


Why Limiting Beliefs Exist


While it appears as if limiting beliefs are the cause for why we aren’t successful, the truth is, your brain is just trying to protect you. It draws upon memories of pain, internalizes it, and convinces you to avoid danger.

Think of the last time something didn’t go as well as you expected. Perhaps you failed at something. When you think about doing something similar now, how does that make you feel?

Most likely, you feel negative thoughts if you had to go through it again. This is simply your brain protecting you from going through the same negative experience. 


How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs


Everything begins with a THOUGHT.

Which turns into a BELIEF.

Which turns into a BEHAVIOUR.

Which becomes your LIFE. 


It’s important to remember that everything begins with a simple thought. And to make changes to our beliefs, our behaviours, and our life…it starts with changing your thoughts first.

Here are my top 3 tips for how to be in control of your thoughts:

  1. Acknowledge
  2. Reframe
  3. Act As If


1. Acknowledge

Acknowledging your thoughts first allows you to remember that you’re in charge. If you ever feel like you’re taking a detour, and unpleasant thoughts arise, notice them. Thoughts can be seen as a train. Notice you took a detour, then simply get back on track. 

My favourite thing to do is to physically swot the thought away, much like you would swot a fly away. This physical movement can help you reset, and remember you are in charge of your thoughts.


2. Reframe

When a thought comes up that doesn’t serve you, you can flip your perspective or find examples of the opposite. What are different ways of thinking about the situation at hand?

For example, if a thought arises, such as “I am not ready yet”, you can instead reframe to “I am ready to simply try.” 

The goal is to find a new belief that better serves you, and repeat it often. You can even write it down on sticky notes to constantly remind you of your new, and chosen beliefs.


3. Act As If

One powerful technique you can use is Act As If. Start by asking yourself: “Who is the version of you that wouldn’t think these thoughts?”

Once you have visualized that person, all you need to do is channel that next-level version of you. Act as if you are already that person. Embody your ideal characteristics and thoughts. Start here, and soon enough you’ll create new thought patterns and habits in line with your ideal self.



Remember, at the end of the day, you are in control. What you think is what you become.

One thing I learned from my Mindset Coach Reese Evans is: You are not your thoughts, you are the thinker of your thoughts.

We get to choose empowering thoughts. Because…

Empowering THOUGHTS.

Turns into empowering BELIEFS.

Turns into empowering BEHAVIOURS.

Which becomes your empowered LIFE. 


You get to choose. 


What limiting beliefs are YOU ready to overcome?

Leave a comment below!