Turning 30 is an exciting milestone in anyone’s life. It signifies a new chapter and new decade. Here are the 30 most important 30 life lessons I’ve learned over 30 years.

Every year, I write down the most important life lessons that I’ve learned and promise to carry with me for the rest of my life.
This year was particularly monumental, as I turned the big 3-0. Leading up to this birthday was reflective, emotional, and beautiful all at the same time. I questioned a lot about myself and the life that I had built.
Here are all the powerful lessons I am so proud to have learned. Lessons that I hope can resonate with anyone else entering a new decade in their lives.
1. You choose what rules to live by (if any at all)
Since our childhood, we’ve been conditioned to follow different rules for us in all areas of our life. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that you get to choose what rules to live by…if any rules at all.
It’s your life, hence it’s your rules. You get to choose how you live your life. It’s not up to society. Question what makes sense to you and what aligns the most. Discard the rest.
2. You are not your labels
Rather, you are so much more. Look beyond the labels – of yourself and of others. This is not what defines who you are.
Look within. Who are you really?
3. You are what you think
It starts in your mind first. What you think, you create and manifest into your life.
Let it be beautiful, positive things.
4. Happiness is found within
Feel it in the present moment. Notice it in your favourite morning drink, in the bright sunlight, in the glory of a stunning sunset, or in the eyes of the ones you love the most.
Happiness is a choice. It is always within reach. It’s not a destination, but as Wayne Dyer says, “Happiness is the way”.
P.S. I highly recommend his transformational book: Happiness is the Way. I read it a few months before turning 30 and it gave me plenty of positive mindset shifts.
5. Love yourself first
Love yourself so much that you always put yourself first. Much like you’d hear anytime before you take off in a flight, “Put the life mask on yourself first.”
Apply that lesson in all areas of your life. Remember that at the end of it all, you’re left with only yourself.
So love yourself most and never let anyone or anything come in between.
6. Make self-care a priority
Take that self-love lesson one step further and make sure you intentionally care for yourself – the same way you’d care for those you love the most. With tenderness, kindness, and all the surprises and delights that make life so special.
Build self-care practices that make you feel loved, cared for, fulfilled, and above all, happy. Put those face-masks on, indulge in the hairstyle you’ve dreamed of, and eat the damn chocolate bar (the entire thing)!
7. Listen to your intuition – it’s never wrong
Recently I read the following saying, also by Wayne Dyer:
“If prayer is you talking to God, then intuition is God talking to you.”
~Dr. Wayne Dyer
So listen when your gut is telling you something. Trust that it’s telling you what you already know to be true.
8. You’re always right on time
No, you’re not behind, nor are you ahead. Life isn’t some sort of competition that we’re being measured in. Your timeline is your own.
Stay in your lane, keep your eyes on your own path. You are perfectly where you need to be.
9. True love is easy
It is abundant, joyful, reciprocal. It is easy. It is partnership and collaboration. It is like breathing – natural and life-giving. Never let this go.
Nurture it, every single day. It is the greatest gift of life – finding your soulmate.
10. You can overcome hard things
Despite all the challenges you’ve lived – small, big, or anything in between…you’ve gotten through them all. While scary in the moment, now you just look back with a smile to see how far you’ve come.
And you will continue to overcome hard things that come your way. That’s how strong you are.
11. You are in control of your body
Want to be stronger? You can be.
Want to be fitter? You can be.
Want to lose fat? You can.
Your body is capable of anything. It is strong and powerful. Be sure to remember that you are in charge. You get to choose how you look and feel. Always lead by loving your body first.
12. Expect miracles (and you will receive them)
How wonderful is life when we expect nothing but miracles and magic? When everything we desire lands in our lap?
When we believe only in the best outcomes and work with the universe, we call in and receive everything we want.
13. The universe has your back
Know that you’re never alone on this journey. If you’re lost, look up. Know that God/Universe/Spirit (whatever you desire to call that greater being out there in charge of all of this), is with you, for you, and within you.
Just have faith, and leave it to the Universe. You will always be okay.
14. It’s okay to change your mind
You are allowed to be a multi-passionate person. You are not destined to do only one great thing. You can explore all the things that excite you.
If it means pivoting, then pivoting again, and then again, so be it! Keep changing your mind as often as your heart desires.
15. Do not let your past dictate your future
Who you’ve been as a person does not define who you are to become. Yes, there are lessons to take from the past but there are also things to release along the way.
Shed the things that no longer align with you.
16. Let your identity evolve with you
As you learn, grow, pivot, shed layers…all of it, know that you get to keep inventing and reinventing yourself as you wish. Your identity is up to you and not how others seem to perceive you.
Evolve, as long as it feels good. Then claim it with absolute confidence.
17. Release the fear of external judgment
This does not, and will never serve you. Please stop worrying about what others will think about you.
Don’t let that fear keep you from following your heart’s desires. You are not here to please anyone other than yourself.
18. Treat life as an adventure
There is so much life to be lived, much to see, places to explore, people to meet, and delicious meals to devour! Keep adventuring. Keep remembering to live, to truly live.
Collect as many experiences as you can in this lifetime. After all, life is so short – make the most of every beautiful moment.
This lesson is so special to me that my personal motto that I’ve also tattooed on my right arm is Memento Vivere: Remember to live.
19. You already have everything you need within
You are more than enough.
You are worthy.
You are deserving.
You are capable.
Don’t ever think otherwise. Anything and everything you want can be found within first. Tune in, pay attention, and you’ll find what you’re looking for inside.
20. To create is your nature
Thus, always be creating! Create the beautiful things you love, the things that bring you joy.
Create magic every day, for the simple sake of creating.
21. Your mental health matters
Take care of your mental wellbeing. Whatever it takes.
You always know when things are off, when they’re amiss. Do what is necessary to get back to joy and health.
Don’t be afraid to tell others you need help, space, or time. You deserve to have all of that.
22. Life is nothing but a series of chapters that make up a grand adventure
Each chapter teaching you something new.
Each chapter giving you precisely the people you need at that time.
Each chapter testing you, stretching you, showing you just how amazing you are and how wonderful the world is.
Embrace each chapter and know there are always more great chapters to come.
23. Perfection is not required of you
Release the need for perfection. It is unneeded, it is unnecessary. Let go of the pressure this creates for yourself.
Be okay with doing just what is required. Your best is enough.
24. It’s not just about money
Life is not, and never should be all about money. If you find yourself leading your life in pursuit of money first and foremost, you’re on the wrong path.
Life isn’t about merely accumulating money, or putting it before other things (e.g. people) that matter more. Money alone won’t lead to happiness.
25. Hustling will never get you where you want to go
But a balance of hard work and meaningful, intentional rest will.
The hustle culture is a lie that will suck you dry. Accolades, recognition, money…whatever it is you aim for is never worth the burnout, stress, anxiety, and breakdowns. (See lesson #21)
26. Everything that happens, happens for a reason
Cliche, but it’s because it’s true. Everything in your life – the good, the bad, was to teach you something. It was to remind you of lessons you had forgotten.
It was all part of the bigger plan laid out for you and has brought you to where you are today. Exactly where you are supposed to be.
Each decision, each experience, each person that crossed your path…it was all meant for you.
27. It’s okay to choose an unconventional path
Reminder: you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.
If your heart calls you to do something different than what’s expected of you, I hope you’re brave enough to nurture those desires to be unconventional.
The world needs more people who stray from mediocrity.
Anyways, the people who push beyond the ordinary always seem to be having the most fun.
28. You are made to live a BIG, GLORIOUS LIFE
By no means are you meant to play small.
If you find yourself settling, not living fully and wholeheartedly, or if you’re not 100% IN…move on. In any area of your life.
If it starts to feel “blah”, that’s your clue. Remember, if it’s not a F*** YES, it’s a F*** no.
Move on. Go and live that glorious life you deserve.
29. You can overcome ANY fear, one step at a time
Fear is only something you choose to build up in anticipation and uncertainty.
If you just take that first step, it dissipates almost immediately. Soon you’ll be wondering why you were so afraid in the first place.
This goes for any and all fears. So keep dancing with each fear that arises – one step at a time.
30. Lead with joy
Whenever you feel like your joy has been taken from you, and when you’re no longer leading with joy, please make a change.
Life is so short, it’s not worth it to be miserable, or possibly worse, simply settle.
You deserve to be smiling as many days of your life as possible – isn’t that success? Isn’t that the life that leaves you most fulfilled?
A life filled with joy. 🖤
There you have it. 30 lessons that I’ve learned over 30 years. A culmination of the different life experiences I’ve lived, challenges I’ve had to overcome, and blessings that have come my way as a result.
If there’s one last lesson I can share after now turning 30, it’s this:
The best of your life is still ahead of you.
Which lesson resonated the most with you?
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